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Who Would Do Something Like This?

Special thanks to Jean-Marc Baron Claudia Belli Elizabeth Brahy David Brennan Florence Breurec Anthony Callanan Saoirse Callanan, Dana Carey, Mary Carey, Aoie Casby Kimberly Christiansen, Sarah Clancy Susan Clark, Carol Dunleavy Ilanna Egan, Mara Fitzmaurice, Ray Glasheen, David Holland, Iradj Ipaktchi, Mohsen Ipaktchi, Alon & Betsy Kasha, Greg Kelly, Jane Kelton, Dana Kennedy, Dietlind Lerner, Mary Lillis, Claire Loader, Michelle McCann, Úna McCann, Mary McGill, Alan McMonagle, Elizabeth Meacham, Conor Montagne, Anne Mulhall, Christine Murphy, The mysterious CM, John Nash, John Nee, Pat O’Connor, Daisy & Thor Ritz, Marian Shiels, Rachel Skingsley, Danny Talbot, Rachel Towey, Martin Ward, Mary Yordon

Who would support something like this?

People luck us who value the arts and supporting small productions. Become a patron of the arts and please join us at for only 1 euro a month to produce Season 2, live events and spin-offs.

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